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- E X P R E S S W A R E
- P.O. Box 230
- Redmond, WA 98073
- Phone (206) 481-3040
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- ExpressGraph Disk Set _____ $10.00 $_______
- ExpressGraph Registered Copy _____ $49.00 $_______
- Includes User's Guide, program
- diskette, technical support,
- and newsletters
- File Express Disk Set _____ $10.00 $_______
- File Express Registered Copy _____ $49.00 $_______
- ExpressCalc Disk Set _____ $10.00 $_______
- ExpressCalc Registered Copy _____ $49.00 $_______
- Subtotal $_______
- Shipping and Handling: $2.00
- Special handling: COD $3 * Rush $5 * Foreign $10 $_______
- Washington residents add 7.9% State Sales Tax $_______
- Total: $_______
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- Please make checks payable to : EXPRESSWARE (U.S. funds only)
- Name: __________________________________________________________
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- City: ______________________ State: _____ Zip Code: __________
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- P.O. Box 230
- Redmond, WA 98073
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- We would also appreciate any input you would care to offer about
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- them better programs, please let us know.
- We are working hard to make Expressware software the best, most
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- With your input we will be well on our way to achieving that goal.
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